Saturday, November 30, 2019
Influences On Normal Physical Essays - Growth Disorders,
Influences On Normal Physical Physical growth in early childhood is partially easy to measure and gives an idea of how children normally develop during this period. The average child in North America is less than three feet tall at two years of age. Physical growth contains no discrete stages, plateaus, or qualitative changes. Large differences may develop between individual children and among groups of children. Sometimes these differences affect the psychological development of young children. These differences create a nice variety among children. Most dimensions of growth are influenced by the child's genetic background. Also, races and ethnic backgrounds around the world differ in growth patterns. Nutrition can affect growth, but it does not override genetic factors. One factor in the cause of slow growth is malnutrition. Malnutrition can start as early as pregnancy. Low birth weight babies have an increased risk of infection and death during the first few weeks of life. Food-deprived children carry a greater risk of neurological deficiencies that result in poor vision, impaired educational attainment, and cerebral problems. Such children are also more prone to diseases such as malaria, respiratory tract infections or pneumonia. The illnesses of malnourished children can cause more lasting damage than in a healthy child. The destructive conjunction between low food intake and disease is magnified at the level of the hungry child. There is evidence, according to The Journal of Nutrition, that an estimated 50 percent of disease-related mortality among infants could be avoided if infant malnutrition were eradicated. It has also been shown that low birth- weight is associated with increased prevalence of diseases such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes in adult life. Most damage during the first few years of life cannot easily be undone. There are many reasons why some children never reach normal height. Some causes of short stature are well understood and can be corrected, but most are subjects of ongoing research. Achondroplasia is the most common growth defect in which abnormal body proportions are present. Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder of bone growth. It affects about one in every 26,000 births. It occurs in all races and in both sexes. It is one of the oldest recorded birth defects found as far back as Egyptian art. A child with achondroplasia has a relatively normal torso but short arms and legs. People sometimes think the child is mentally retarded because they are slow to sit, stand, and walk alone. In most cases, however, a child with achondroplasia has normal intelligence. Children with achondroplasia occasionally die suddenly in infancy or early childhood. These deaths usually occur during sleep and are thought to result from compression of the upper end of the spinal cord, which can interfere with breathing. This disease is caused by an abnormal gene. The discovery of the gene allowed the development of highly accurate prenatal tests that can diagnose or rule out achondroplasia. There is currently no way to normalize skeletal development of children with achondroplasia, so there is no cure. Growth hormone treatments, which increase height in some forms of short stature, do not substantially increase the height of children with achondroplasia. There is no way to prevent the majority of cases of achondroplasia, since these births result from totally unexpected gene mutations in unaffected parents. One treatment available for children is known as growth hormone therapy. The policy governing the use of growth hormone (GH) therapy has shifted from treating only those children with classic growth hormone deficiency to treating short children to improve their psycho social functioning. This has caused quite a controversy. Parents have described shorter boys as less socially competent and having more behavioral problems than that of the normal sample. Shorter boys describe themselves as less socially active but not having more behavioral problems than that of the normal group. This is according to a study conducted by the Children's Hospital of Buffalo and the State University of New York at Buffalo. The researchers conclude growth hormone therapy should not be administered routinely to all short children for the purpose of improving their psychological health. They urge that physicians consider both a child's short stature and psycho social functioning before making a referral for growth hormone therapy. Another factor in the growth of children is their change of appetite. Young preschoolers may eat less than they did as a toddler. This is also when they will become more selective and choosy with the foods they eat. These changes are normal and result from the slowing down of growth after infancy. Preschool children simply do not need as many calories
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Ninteenth Century Entrepreneurs essays
Ninteenth Century Entrepreneur's essays Were the nineteenth century entrepreneurs robber barons? The answers have differing opinions as to who is answering them. One thing is for certain though, the big business entrepreneur's did make decisions to increase their profits but on the other hand their decisions often promoted economic growth, which created new jobs. The industrial leaders of the late nineteenth century were virtually untouchable by laws and regulations of America. These business leaders generally influenced the law makers of our country. Often the American Congress were more partial to the big business in hopes of receiving kick backs for favorable voting for laws helping the corporations. Thus the phrases Rich mans club and the House of Dollars came about The business men who controlled the big corporations lived a lifestyle that was on total polar opposite worlds of the common industrial worker. John D. Rockefeller was estimated to be worth $815,647,796.89 in 1892, and Andrew Carnegie averaged $7,500,000 a year from 1889 to 1899. This disparity in income did not go over to well Americans in the late nineteenth century for the most part still believed in individualism, so when big business leaders started controlling the lives of thousands of people they saw it as a shot at American heritage. Also with the strength and influence of the large corporations, competition of the small businesss in the market economy was On the other hand, big businesses did stimulate the economy which created more jobs for the common man. Goods and products that were mass produced came with lower price tags therefore allowing more people to buy them. This increase in buying power led to a better lifestyle for many Americans. The development of the big corporat ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
10 Common Mistakes You Make on Tests
10 Common Mistakes You Make on Tests 1. Leaving an Answer Blank There is nothing wrong with skipping over a tough question to give yourself some extra time to think it overjust as long as you remember to go back to the question later. The danger is forgetting to go back to every question you’ve skipped. A blank answer is always a wrong answer! Solution: Each time you skip a question, put a check mark beside it. 2. Answering a Question Twice You’d be surprised how many times students choose two answers in multiple choice. This makes both answers wrong! Solution: Review your work and make sure each true/false and multiple choice question only has one answer circled! 3. Transferring Answers Incorrectly From Scratch Paper The most frustrating mistake for math students is having an answer correct on the scratch paper, but transferring it wrong to the test! Solution: Double check any work you transfer from a scratch sheet. 4. Circling the Wrong Multiple Choice Answer This is a costly mistake, but one that is very easy to make. You look over all the multiple choice answers and pick the one that is correct, but you circle the letter next to the correct answer- the one that doesn’t match your answer! Solution: Make sure the letter/answer you indicate is the one you really mean to select. 5. Studying the Wrong Chapter Whenever you have a test coming up, make sure that you understand which chapters or lectures the test will cover. There are times when a teacher will test you on a specific chapter that is never discussed in class. On the other hand, the teacher’s lectures may cover three chapters, and the test may cover only one of those chapters. When that happens, you can end up studying material that won’t appear on your exam. Solution: Always ask the teacher what chapters and lectures will be covered on a test. 6. Ignoring the Clock One of the most common errors students commit when taking an essay test is failing to manage time. This is how you end up in a panic with 5 minutes to go and 5 unanswered questions staring back at you. Solution: Always take the first few moments of an exam to assess the situation when it comes to essay questions and answers. Give yourself a time schedule and stick to it. Give yourself a set amount of time to outline and answer each essay question and stick to your plan! 7. Not Following Directions If the teacher says â€Å"compare†and you â€Å"define,†you are going to lose points on your answer. There are certain directional words that you should understand and follow when you take a test. Solution: Know the following directional words: Define: Provide a definition.Explain: Provide an answer that gives a complete overview or clear description of the problem and solution for a particular question.Analyze: Take apart a concept or a process, and explain it step by step.Contrast: Show differences.Compare: Show likenesses and differences.Diagram: Explain and draw a chart or other visual to illustrate your points.Outline: Provide an explanation with headings and subheadings. 8. Thinking Too Much It’s easy to over-think a question and begin to doubt yourself. If you tend to second-guess yourself, you will inevitably change a right answer to a wrong answer. Solution: If you are a thinker who tends to over-think, and you get a strong hunch when you first read an answer, go with it. Limit your thinking time if you know you tend to doubt your first instincts. 9. Technological Breakdown If your pen runs out of ink and you can’t complete an exam, your blank answers are just as wrong as they would have been for any other reason. Running out of ink or breaking your pencil lead halfway through a test sometimes means leaving half your exam blank. And that leads to an F. Solution: Always bring extra supplies to an exam. 10. Not putting Your Name on the Test There are times when failing to put your name on a test will result in a failing grade. This can happen when the test administrator doesn’t know the students, or when the teacher/administrator won’t see students again after the test is over (like at the end of a school year). In these special situations (or even if you have a very stern teacher) a test that doesn’t have a name attached to it will be tossed out. Solution: Always write your name on a test before you get started!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Health Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Health Reform - Research Paper Example Secondary data or historical data are the kind of data that is previously gathered for some study or project, which built specially for that particular project (Zikmund, 2003, p Nd). In regards to this research, the secondary data used are gathered from the Internet, journals and other publications in order to get basic information about the nature of the health reformation within the organization. The research and the methodologies of this paper are basically qualitative in nature. The primary resources are there in this paper to prove the solid statements. However, the secondary resources are also very much important to prove the practical viewpoints of this particular paper. The data collection method is one of the most important actions in the organizational research work. The primary and secondary data are compiled in a proper blend to fetch the ultimate result. However, in this case the questionnaires were very much prominent. However, the proposed number of questions to be fil led for any research is around 25-30, where minimum 20-25 questions suppose to be answered to get a good result. However, the missing count can be taken as the margin of error, or their stipulated feedbacks could have taken as the average feedbacks. In this particular paper the five major methodologies for the research work are 1: Interview, 2: Surveys, 3: Focus group, 4: observation and 5: internal data. Among all of these the most important method is the interview and the survey. These two methods give the ultimate feedback of the employees towards the improvement of the health related issues within the organization. Data collection is one of the most important part I the research process. The data collection can be taken from the interview process of from the internal data or most of the time for the effective survey within the projected sample size for the research. However, all of the research methods are equally important prove the relevance of the research work and to predict the fruitful outcome of the research for the betterment of the health reform within the organizations. The relevance of the secondary data is very much important to justify this particular paper and that is the reason the selected five methodologies are chosen to collect the secondary data to support the study. All the five methods are discussed bellow. 1. Interview: In rearview has been taken as one of the most effective research method for collecting the secondary data from the focus group. Personal interview with the projected employees within the organization for their expectation and complains about the present health related issues are very much productive in case of finding the proper solution. There are some numbers of factors which are very much important for conducting an effective interview process. These number of factors need to be taken very seriously in designing the interview process. The basic concept of the interview is to exchange the verbal and written expressio n of the participant towards the projected questions (Watson, , p 282). The research interviews must be recorded so they can be analyzed afterwards. Most of the time, these interviews are generally audiotaped. The interviewed data are transcribed into text for the data analysis. In this case the different people from different organizations ate taken under consideration for the interview pro
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe and Suspense in Poe and Jackson Term Paper
Edgar Allan Poe and Suspense in Poe and Jackson - Term Paper Example This can be accredited to the actuality that most of his stories were short, interesting and easy enough to be classroom material, or due to their ability at pandering the present sullen morbidity that is characteristic of early adolescence or late childhood. American literature reached its peak maturity in the XIX century through the works of different writers such as Melville and Hawthorne, Thoreau and Emerson, Whitman and Longfellow, Twain and Poe, who was oddly in his own category. He has had a far-reaching influence on not only mass culture, but he has been able to provide rare insights into elite culture. As an innovator, he was quite resourceful: it is evident through his invented modern detective tales such as The Mystery of Marie Roget, The Purloined Letter, and The Murders in the Rue. He, together with Bram Stoker and Mary Shelley, is a progenitor of horror movies (Datlow 59). Poe was always worried a lot about life after death, especially in terms of the body and soul bein g depicted in the number of his narratives that entailed characters being buried alive, or of corpses having a life as zombies or of characters who were kept, under hypnosis, animate. He was gifted in the creation of small, enduring images that have up to this era remained in the collective psyche of a wide range of audiences. In his work – The Masque of the Red Death – Poe describes an intricate floor plan for the imperial suite of Prince Prospero with the strange design of the ball-room location emanating from the Prince’s eccentric tastes of decoration and his love of the weird. All the seven rooms of irregular shapes add to the suspense of the viewer with there being a sharp turn at every twenty or thirty yard distances, with each turn eliciting a novel effect. All successive rooms had different colors, a sort of progressive journey through a range of garish hues with the last chamber being black. This view only got from a gaze through a window tinted red. T he reader is held in suspense due to his/ her vague grasp of the different room’s signature colors (Jackson 67). Soon, the imperial suite becomes the scene of a crime with both the prince and his guests succumbing to a succession of bloody murders committed by an unknown assailant. Furthermore, the architecture entailed in these successive rooms also adds to the sense of suspense due to their eliciting luminal spaces between the notions of reality and illusion. The architecture of the suite, which is complicated, is symbolic of the reader’s limited comprehension. In his other work – The Black Cat – the readers encounter a character who after getting drunk, releases his guilt and self-hatred on his wife’s pet cat by grabbing it but the cat bites him. In revenge, he takes out one of its eyes but this quickly heals, though the cat’s presence is a continuous reminder of his failings. Eventually, though, the narrator gets rid of the cat by hangin g it from a tree. There is a twist to this event with his house burning down except for a section of the wall that has sketched on it the image of a giant cat (Datlow 58). Later on, he finds a new cat that has much similarity to the first in a bar and he takes it home. The reason behind this was so as to aid in undoing his previous act of violence. The feline’
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Native Americans in the United States Essay Example for Free
Native Americans in the United States Essay Dentify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the Civil War assess the influence of individuals and groups in the U. S. government on Reconstruction assess the influence of individuals and groups in the South on Reconstruction distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution analyze the various components of Jim Crow legislation and their effects on Southern minorities describe efforts by the U. S. Government to assimilate Native Americans into American culture identify significant events that impacted the relationship between the government, Native Americans, and American citizens identify settlement patterns in the American West, the reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans from 1865–90 After completing this lesson, you will be able to evaluate the causes and consequences of the Civil War identify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the Civil War assess the influence of individuals and groups in the U. S. government on Reconstruction assess the influence of individuals and groups in the South on Reconstruction distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution analyze the various components of Jim Crow legislation and their distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution effects on Southern minorities describe efforts by the U. S. Government to assimilate Native Americans into American culture identify significant events that impacted the relationship between the government, Native Americans, and American citizens identify settlement patterns in the American West, the reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans from 1865–90After completing this lesson, you will be able to evaluate the causes and consequences of the Civil War identify the economic, political, and/or social causes of the Civil War assess the influence of individuals and groups in the U. S. Government on Reconstruction assess the influence of individuals and groups in the South on Reconstruction distinguish and analyze the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution analyze the various components of Jim Crow legislation and their effects on Southern minorities describe efforts by the U. S. government to assimilate Native Americans into American culture identify significant events that impacted the relationship between the government, Native Americans, and American citizens identify settlement patterns in the American West, the reservation system, and/or the tribulations of the Native Americans from 1865–90.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Soliloquies - Role of Speaker in Brownings Soliloquy of the Spanish Cl
Role of Speaker in Browning's Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister The speaker in any poem is significant because he enables the reader to aquire information necessary in order to enter the imaginary world of the work. In Browning's Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister, the solitary speaker, who is a monk overwhelmed with hatred toward a fellow monk, plays an important role as the guide in the world of the poem. The diction, structure, and tone of the entire poem communicate the speaker's motives, perceptions, emotions, and behavior. The narrator in Browning's poem proves that the speaker is not always a reliable guide because his thoughts reflect anger and hatred instead of giving the reader an unbiased view of Brother Lawrence. His speech is motivated by hatred so intense that it could kill his "heart's abhorrence" and in line 8, he wishes that "hell would dry [Brother Lawrence] up with its flames." The speaker is overcome with emotion, wishing death upon his fellow monk. His emotions interfere with the reader's perception of the o...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Kinds of Outline
What is an OUTLINE? An outline is an organizational tool used by writers to gather thoughts so that they can be clearly laid out in an essay or book. Many writers feel that creating an outline is the key to effective writing, and it certainly makes the writing process more efficient and focused. By creating an outline for a piece of writing, the author ensures that all the pieces of the puzzle are presented in a logical, clear order, and that they flow well, drawing the reader to a logical conclusion.An outline can also be used to identify and eliminate potential areas of weakness or lack of focus in a paper. Although an outline is rarely required for a piece of writing, it can be extremely helpful. Papers which are written with the assistance of an outline tend to be of a higher quality, because of the greater level of organization. For this reason, outlines should be among the tools which every writer knows how to use. Outlines help writers to organize what they are going to say before they write it. 2. What are the kinds of outline?The most common type of outline is called the Alphanumeric Outline. Alpha as in alphabet and Numeric as in Numerals – it's the one that uses a combination of numbers and letters to organize your thoughts. I. Start with Roman Numbers for Largest Headings A. Then use Capital Letters 1. Then use Arabic Numbers a. Then use small letters II. Continue In This Fashion Until the Outline Is Finished Full-sentence outlines, as the term suggests, use complete sentences on each line of the outline. These can take longer to write, but they do give a much more thorough idea of what is going to be in the final paper.Topic outlines list the main topic or idea of each line, but do not make complete sentences. Some call the Roman numerals above a-heads, the capitalized letters, b-heads, and so on. Some writers also prefer to insert a blank line between the a-heads and b-heads (N. B. these people k eep the b-heads and c-heads together, though). I. Why do over 80% of today's companies monitor their employees? A. To prevent fraudulent activities, theft, and other workplace related violations. B. To more efficiently monitor employee productivity. C.To prevent any legal liabilities due to harassing or offensive communications. II. What are the employees privacy right's when it comes to EM/S (Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance) in the workplace? A. American employees have basically no legal protection from mean and snooping bosses. 1. There are no federal or State laws protecting employees 2. Employees may assert privacy protection for their own personal effects. A less common type of outline is the Decimal Outline. This uses numbers, and each sub-heading has the number of the heading as part of it.This outline is used if you have a long, complicated outline and need to instantly be able to tell exactly where each section goes in the whole picture. Thesis statement:  1. 0 Main Topic 1. 1Subheading 1. 2 Subheading 2. 0 Main Topic 2. 1 Subheading 2. 1. 1 Supporting Detail 2. 1. 2 Supporting Detail 2. 1. 3 Supporting Detail . . . . . . . . . 3. What is a Thesis Statement? A thesis statement tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion. It is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.It directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel. It makes a claim that others might dispute. It is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation. 4. How similar or different is it from a main idea?The main difference is that â€Å"thesis†is generally used by teachers when referring to nonfiction works (you find them in history books and science books) while a â€Å"theme†is used when referring to a literary work (fiction). A thesis is stated plainly and early in a nonfiction work, while a theme is an idea or message that you get once you've read the book and you've taken some time to reflect on its meaning. The main idea, or thesis, should give your readers a clear and specific idea of your topic. The main idea can be thought of as a one or two sentence summary of the whole writing project. 5.What is an Action Research? Action research is known by many other names, including participatory research, collaborative inquiry, emancipatory research, action learning, and contextual action research, but all are variations on a theme. Put simply, action research is â€Å"learning by doing†– a group of peop le identify a problem, do something to resolve it, see how successful their efforts were, and if not satisfied, try again. While this is the essence of the approach, there are other key attributes of action research that differentiate it from common problem-solving activities that we all engage in every day.A more succinct definition is that an action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneously. Thus, there is a dual commitment in action research to study a system and concurrently to collaborate with members of the system in changing it in what is together regarded as a desirable direction. Accomplishing this twin goal requires the active collaboration of researcher and client, and thus it stresses the importance of co-learning as a primary aspect of the research process.What separates this type of research from general professional practices, consulting, or daily problem-solving is the emphasis on scientific study, which is to say the researcher studies the problem systematically and ensures the intervention is informed by theoretical considerations. Much of the researcher’s time is spent on refining the methodological tools to suit the exigencies of the situation, and on collecting, analyzing, and presenting data on an ongoing, cyclical basis.Several attributes separate action research from other types of research. Primary is its focus on turning the people involved into researchers, too – people learn best, and more willingly apply what they have learned, when they do it themselves. It also has a social dimension – the research takes place in real-world situations, and aims to solve real problems. Finally, the initiating researcher, unlike in other disciplines, makes no attempt to remain objective, but openly acknowledges their bias to the other participants.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Municipal Solid Waste Management In China Environmental Sciences Essay
The universe is now enduring from an exigency crisis of municipal solid waste ( MSW ) . The entire sum of planetary MSW is lifting aggressively, particularly in some development states, such as China. The one-year sum of MSW production in China increased from 0.0313 billion dozenss to 0.14 billion dozenss during an 18 old ages period from 1980 to 1998 ( Suocheng, 2001, P7-11 ) . And the accrued volume of MSW in China experienced a rapid addition during a 5 old ages period from about 6 billion dozenss in 1998 to more than 6.5 billion dozenss in 2002 ( Zhiqiang, 2006, P1193-1197 ) . With the economic system go oning to turn aggressively, it is clear that MSW direction may be one of the heaviest loads for the China authorities. As a consequence, taking a suited method for MSW intervention in China is going much more necessary and exigency.MSW direction system in ChinaIn the early People Republic of China, under the background of the planned economic system system, MSW direction was defi ned as a public service by the authorities ( Suocheng, 2001, P7-11 ) , which made MSW direction isolated from the market. As a consequence, used an inordinate public financess for disposing MSW became one of the factors leaded to financial shortage. By the terminal of 1970s, the Chinese authorities put frontward the reform and opening-up policy. Profit from this policy, although the market mechanisms were still uncomplete, it began to play an progressively decisive function in MSW direction in China. After about 50 old ages of development, there were three chief methods used to dispose the MSW: Incineration, Landfill and composted. By the terminal of 2000, more than 70 % of MSW was managed by landfill ( largely by simple landfill ) and about 20 % by composted, merely less than 10 % was disposed by incineration ( Zhiqiang, 2006, P1193-1197 ) . During the past decennary, the authorities began to pay much more attending in incineration, which changed the per centum of the composing of MSW direction system. However, it did non intend that a most suited system had already formed, due to this ground, an analysis about dispose methods should still be taken.Waste Landfill SystemLandfill engineering is utilizing a landfill site for MSW disposal by compression and entombment. Through the decomposition of anaerobiotic bug, organic affairs will be converted into inorganic substances and will finally be absorbed by the dirt. Landfill engineering has been the most often used method in MSW dire ction, particularly in China. Landfill is the cheapest MSW disposal option, the costs of waste transit is being reduced because of the short distance from urban country to landfill site. It means that, local wastes can be disposed in situ alternatively of transported to another country. Another advantage of landfill is the comprehensive ability in MSW intervention. Compare with other waste disposal methods, landfill engineering can dispose many different types of wastes which have non been classified. Furthermore, vast of methane, which was discharged from the landfill site, can be collected by a gas assemblage system and used as a cleaner-burning fuel. However, as have mentioned above, most of the MSW in China was disposed by simple landfill, which have already caused many jobs. One of the most common influences is surface H2O pollution ; rivers may be polluted because of toxins seep. For illustration, the prostration of the Xiaping landfill in Shenzhen metropolis, China, finally caused a terrible pollution in Shenzhen River, which made 1/3 of the imbibing H2O supplies disrupted for over a hebdomad and it besides posed a serious menace to the natural environment. Furthermore, in instance of improper operation, methane may leak from the gas assemblage system, which may do air pollution, and doubtless, will lend to planetary heating. In add-on, landfill may besides influent the local dirt. Owing to a slow decomposition rate of the anaerobiotic bug, one time a site has been filled, the high concentration of contaminations in it will be at least 200 old ages. Therefore, a land which has of all time been used as a landfill site can non be redeveloped in a short period.Waste Incineration Systemâ€Å" Incineration is a waste intervention procedure that involves the burning of organic substances contained in waste stuffs ( The Wikipedia, 2010 ) †. Waste stuffs will be converted into ash, fluke gas, and heat thought the waste incineration system. MSW incineration engineering was foremost used at the terminal of 1980 ‘s and experienced a dramatic advancement in 1990 ‘s ( Xiaodong, 2002 ) . Compare with landfill engineering, waste incineration merely necessitate a lower limit of land and the sum of waste can be reduced to about 10 % of the initial value. Besides, ashes from the incinerator can be used as building stuffs and these stuffs could be much cheaper than traditional stuffs. Furthermore, the modern incineration system could bring forth electricity and collect heat energy while MSW is firing, which were considered as green energy. Although incineration systems can do many benefits, without uncertainties, there still much disadvantages of utilizing incinerator for MSW disposing and it could even present a much more serious menace to the environment. In order to forestall environmental jobs, particularly air pollution, the operation of incineration system must establish on high engineerings ; it means that, a high cost should be wage for MSW intervention. Furthermore, as the Torahs is updating, more advanced equipments possibly required in the hereafter and it may besides be vast of money. Undoubtedly, all of these costs will be shifted on to consumers. Furthermore, even though all incineration systems are utilizing the most advanced engineering, taints may still be discharged. These sorts of taints could be much more unsafe than that produced during landfill procedure, because some high carcinogenicity affairs like dioxin will be discharged to the atmospheric environment during burning. As a consequence, more a nd more people realize that incineration system is harmful for wellness. For illustration, although the authorities promises that it would non be any unsafe, people in Guangzhou City, China are still contending to avoid an incineration to be built in their metropolis.Waste Composting Systemâ€Å" Compost is composed of organic stuffs derived from works and carnal affair that has been decomposed mostly through aerophilic decomposition ( The Wikipedia, 2010 ) †. The development of MSW composting in China can be divided into three stages ( Yuan, 2000 ) : The primary phase was from 1950s-1960s. In this phase, people began to analyze the operation mechanism of composting. As a consequence, composting became a new engineering for MSW direction. The development phase was from 1970s-1980s. Composting experienced a comfortable period in this phase, for illustration, the China authorities chosen 11 types of composting engineerings as distributing engineerings ( Nei, 1992 ) . The distributing application phase was from 1990s boulder clay presents. The authorities found that composting was a most eco-friendly method in MSW direction, so big sums of money were put into the publicity of composting. Composting is a about harmless MSW disposing engineering. Compare with landfill and incineration, composting could be carried out in a simple manner, it is suited for little metropoliss, particularly some agricultural countries. Furthermore, wastes will go agricultural fertiliser after a composting procedure, which can organize a good material circulation system. However, limited by treating efficiency, composting site could merely be built in a smaller graduated table. Furthermore, merely some simple affair such as refuse or animate being and works remains can be disposed by composting. Due to this fact, a successful composting system is base on a well waste categorization system. On the other manus, because of the difference in microbic vegetations, each composting system has a particular operating environment. Temperature, aeration, composing of waste can all go factors which may impact composting.Choosing a suited method for MSWAs the sum of MSW in China is still lifting aggressively, the contemporary MSW direction system will no longer be utile to work out the job efficaciously. For this ground, to set up a new MSW disposing system is necessary. First of wholly, as consequences of many environmental jobs were caused by landfill, landfill system should be discontinued bit by bit. Although incineration system may do some serious environmen tal jobs, compared with landfill engineering, it can still be an effectual manner in MSW disposing. On the other manus, composting engineerings should be promoted smartly. However, the constitution of incineration and composting system is under the conditions of good waste categorization. In order to accomplish this end, on the one manus, the authorities should increased promotion and instruction attempts on waste categorization. On the other manus, public installations such as classificatory rubbish bins should be heightening significantly. Furthermore, In order to set up a long-run mechanism, the bonus-penalty mechanism and the market economic system mechanism should be introduced into MSW direction system. By this manner, MSW direction system will associate up with the market economic system, which will do the MSW direction system much more comprehensive.DecisionAs a fact that the volume of municipal solid waste in China is increasing aggressively, the presents waste direction sy stem may neglect to run into the processing demands. Landfill engineering, which is busying a dominant place in MSW dispose, should non be promoted any longer because of the monolithic land business and the high-risk in bring forthing environmental pollution jobs. On the other manus, Incineration and composting engineering, which are the freshly development and eco-friendly engineerings, should go major picks. However, merely trusting on the development of new engineerings are non plenty, the alteration of people ‘s attitudes towards waste intervention is the cardinal manner to work out the MSW direction job. To accomplish this intent, the constitution of a market direction mechanism, which can do the MSW direction control by the regulations of market economic system, become a major premiss. To reason, utilizing Incineration and composting engineering as the chief processing system and landfill as an aide is the most suited manner to work out the job of MSW.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Project Management on World Trade Organization ministerial Conference of 2005 The WritePass Journal
Project Management on World Trade Organization ministerial Conference of 2005 Executive Summary Project Management on World Trade Organization ministerial Conference of 2005 ). High Power, Low Interest Hong Kong as one of the key members of the WTO was the host to the fifth ministerial conference in the year 2005. Though being a key member, Hong Kong has not shown much interest in the activities of the WTO and has not taken any proactive steps in issue resolution of the ongoing issues of the WTO. Be it agriculture or environmental issues,Hong Kong remains to be a silent spectator in most cases which clearly indicates the lack of interest in influencing the member states or steering them to decision making on specific issues (BBC, 2013). Low Power, High Interest The farmers and the agriculture community worldwide have high interest in the activities of the WTO as the trade agreements that are negotiated and agreed upon have a serious bearing on their livelihood and concerns. There is a growing concern relating to fairer trade markets, food security and farming subsidies. Though there is a lot of interest shown by the farming community, they do not have the power to speak and hence do not have the influencing capability. The increase in the suicide rates of farmers is also attributed to the failure of WTO to understand their concerns and the lack of transparency and inequality in dealings of the WTO (Long, 2007; Shiva, 2014). Researchers also suggest that there is a lack of understanding from the WTO committee members on the needs of the farmers and the decisions made are not in line with their demands (Anderson and Martin, 2005). Low Power, Low Interest The last type of stakeholders have the least power and are also not very much interested in the activities of the WTO. The citizens of Hong Kong for example, belong to this stakeholder group. Given that the multilateral agreements are huge and complex, the authorities do not have the capacity and capability to scrutinise the details of all contracts. Also, the authorities of a country are not held accountable for the negotiations and agreements signed. This makes them lose interest given that they neither have the power nor the capacity to influence the decision making. Also there are restrictions that prohibit them from questioning the authority (Keohane and Nye, 2001; Scharpf, 2000). Stakeholder Management Stakeholder management is essential for the smooth communication and functioning of an organisation and also to ensure that the objectives of the organisation are achieved. Stakeholder management should be in line with the strategic management objectives of the organisation and the type of the stakeholder that needs to be satisfied should be taken into account depending on the organisation type in order to ensure that these expectations are met. It is essential to first identify the various stakeholders, their role in the organisation, the decision making authority they have in the organisation and how much their ideas or ideals would affect the success of the organisation. Once these are identified, it is essential to develop a stakeholder management strategy that is aimed at not only satisfying these stakeholders but also helps achieve the overall objective of the organisation (Freeman, 2001). In a multicultural organisation or where the organisation is huge and spans across different continents and cultures, the stakeholder management strategy becomes inevitable. It defines the communication methods and helps understanding the do’s and don’ts in each geographic location. It also helps achieve transparency in operations and facilitates better participation of the stakeholders in the decision making process. Stronger business decisions that are sustainable, long term and ethical are facilitated by a good stakeholder management approach (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2014). Communication Management Researchers believe that not all stakeholders of an organisation have equal importance. For example, in a non-governmental organisation which is aimed at helping people, the pubic might be the key stakeholder as opposed to a business organisation which aims at satisfying the primary needs of the shareholders. Hence, in a diverse world where the needs of the organisations differ, it is essential to understand the primary stakeholders who needs to be satisfied and devise a communication management plan to ensure that the communication to these stakeholders are made in near real-time and in an effective manner (Podnar and Jancic, 2006; Jacobson et al, 2009). Tuckman’s Communication Model Bruce Tuckman devised a five step communication model in the year 1975. These five steps includes: Forming Storming Norming Performing and Adjourning Forming: This is where the leader gives the guidance to the team and the initial stage in the communication process. This is a stage where the roles and responsibilities are unclear Storming: Brainstorming activities take place, compromises happen, clarity increases and the team members get a basic understanding of what is required of them Norming: The team members agree by consensus. The leader facilitates the decision making but the team members are now in a position to agree. The roles and responsibilities defined by the leader in the forming stage are now very clear and evident. Performing: The team members are strategically aware and are able to execute their responsibilities and perform better in order to achieve the goals. They work on their own and there is very little interference from the leader. The leader is called for when there is guidance required both in terms of personal and interpersonal development Adjourning: Also known as Deforming or Mourning, refers to the breaking up of the group after the successful completion of the task. This stage involves identification of good performers, the well-being of the team and also measuring the performance. (Tuckman, 1977) Conclusion This report gave a brief about the role of the project manager in the HK 2005 WTO ministerial conference and the various stakeholders, the level of interest and the power to influence the decision making of the WTO. Furthermore, this report also discussed effective stakeholder management techniques and methods, communication strategy in relation to the WTO. References Freeman (1984) Strategic Management, A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman, Boston Podnar, K., Jancic, Z. (2006). Towards a categorization of stakeholder groups: An empirical verification of a three†level model. Journal of Marketing Communications, 12(4), 297-308. Jacobson, S. K., McDuff, M. D. (2009). Communication as an effective management strategy in a diverse world. Wildlife and Society: The Science of Human Dimensions. Tuckman, B. W., Jensen, M. A. C. (1977). Stages of small-group development revisited. Group Organization Management, 2(4), 419-427. Carroll, A., Buchholtz, A. (2014). Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Cengage Learning. Freeman, R. E., McVea, J. (2001). A stakeholder approach to strategic management. Scharpf, F. W., Schmidt, V. A. (Eds.). (2000). Welfare and work in the open economy: volume ii: diverse responses to common challenges in twelve countries (Vol. 2). Oxford University Press. Keohane, R. O., Nye, J. S. (2001). Power and interdependence (Vol. 3). New York: Longman. Shiva, Vandana (2014) Of food, farmers and WTO’s doublespeak, Available at: accessed on 06/12/14 Long, Jessica (2007):â€Å"WTO Kills Farmers†: India Free Market Reforms Trigger Farmers’ Suicides, Global Research Anderson, K. and Martin, W. (2005), Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda. World Economy, 28: 1301–1327. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9701.2005.00735.x BBC (2013): Profile: World Trade Organization, Available at: accessed on 05/12/14 WTO (2005): Hong Kong WTO Ministerial 2005: Briefing Notes, The â€Å"Win-Win†Potential for trade and environment, Available at: accessed on 05/12/14 HKPA (2006): Hong Kong People’s Alliance on WTO, Wayback Machine, Available at: Accessed on 05/12/14 Target WTO (2005): Target World Trade Organisation, Available at: Accessed on 05/12/14 Alam S (2008): Sustainable Development and Free Trade, Institutional Approaches, Routledge, UK Heydon K (2006): After the Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting: What is at stake?, OECD, France United Nations(2005): Perspectives from the ESCAP Region after the Fifth WTO Ministerial Meeting: Ideas and Actions Following Cancà ºn (Studies in Trade and Investment), United Nations
Monday, November 4, 2019
Buenavista Plywood Corporation
Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma. Buenavista Plywood Corporation Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Exam paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Exam paper - Essay Example There are various factors that determine how the Web site would benefit the youth group, one of them being the way in which the youth club would exploit the Web’s interconnectivity as well as the opportunities it would create to make better the relationships with its vendors and suppliers, its customers plus other external stakeholders. Another factor is the nature of the club’s relationship with its customers. Developing deep, long-life relationship with customers is of greater significance on the Web. It would cost the youth club money to attract customers to its site and maintain them. The youth club’s plan for incorporating the Web in its overall strategy is another factor that would determine whether it would realize Web success. The issues that the plan should address include site design and maintenance, strategies for marketing ad promotion, customer service, sales, and generating and managing a brand name. Another factor that would determine how the Web site would benefit the youth club is its relevance to the customers whose needs, tastes and preferences are dynamic. If the youth club is to remain relevant to its customers, then the success of its Web-based transactions effort is indispensable. The nature of resources including time, energy, talent, and money that the club would invest would also play a part in determining its Web success. This is because creating a meaningful Web presence necessitates a progressive investment of resources. In fact, an attractive Web site with catchy photographs plus products and services’ descriptions is just but a beginning (Zimmerer, 2010). The Web site would be of great importance in assisting Mr. Grove, the building fund manager, in organizing donation requests as well as in determining the kind and quality of the necessary building supplies. He can utilize the site well-constructed e-mail messages to direct customers to the site, where they can respond to donation requests – he can avail
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